Document Class

Document Class #

Author: Erahua

Keywords: Document Class

In this section, we will introduce what a document class is.

A document class can be regarded as a pre-designed LaTeX macro package used for typesetting a specific format of document.

It mainly provides the overall structure of the document (such as page structure like \section), basic settings (font, font size, paragraph spacing, etc. in different parts), and specific formatting (numbering format, etc.).

The important optional settings for standard document class formats are as follows:

Function Option Description
Paper size a4paper
Paper orientation landscape Landscape paper
Column layout onecolumn Single column
Draft setting draft Draft

Important options for the ctex package and its document class:

Function Option Description
Typesetting indent Indent the first line after the title
noindent Do not indent the first line
Package compatibility fancyhdr Call the package and make it compatible
hyperref Call the package and make it compatible