Drawing Charts (Part 1) - Basics

Drawing Charts (Part 1): Basics #

Author: Er Hua

Table is a two-dimensional form of information representation in LaTeX.

Basic Table Drawing #

  • Use the tabular environment for general table arrangement.
  • Use the array environment for arranging content with mathematical symbols.
\begin{tabular}[alignment (optional, can be t or b)]{column format (lcr or other forms)}
content & content & ... & content \\
\begin{array}[alignment]{column format}
content & content & ... & content \\

Here, \\ denotes a line break, and & is used to separate different cells.

Both tabular and array represent normal boxes, so they can be mixed with other text or formulas. We can place them in a floating object to avoid this.

Here is an example of a normal table:


empty & eat & drink & play & fun \\
Zhang San & fish & wine & guitar & make money \\
Li Si & meat & water & code & make money \\
Wang Ma Zi & seafood & drink & badminton & make money \\

Here is an example of a determinant:


$\left (
    & eat & drink & play \\
Zhang San & fish & wine & guitar \\
Li Si & meat & water & code \\
Wang Ma Zi & seafood & drink & badminton \\
\right ) $

Methods to Change the Spacing Between Rows and Columns

Column spacing: Half of the minimum distance is controlled by the variables \tabcolsep and \arraycolsep.

Row spacing: Controlled by the macro \arraystretch.

\documentclass [border={30mm 3mm 30mm 3mm}]{standalone}
%\arraystretch is a macro, and its default value is 1. By modifying it as follows, you can change the spacing multiple.
%\tabcolsep is a variable, and you assign a specific value to it.
$\left (
    & eat & drink & play \\
Zhang San & fish & wine & guitar \\
Li Si & meat & water & code \\
Wang Ma Zi & seafood & drink & badminton \\
\right ) $


\arraystretch is a macro, so use \renewcommand to set it.

\tabcolsep is a variable, so use \setlength to set it.