Table Drawing (Part Four) - Side by Side Figures

Table Drawing (Part Four): Side by Side Figures #

Author: Erhua

Keywords: figures, side by side

The floating environment in LaTeX does not restrict the content within the environment. Therefore, placing several figures within a floating body can achieve side by side or mixed arrangement. The functionality can generally be achieved using the minipage environment.


Side by Side Figures #

Example 1: Two images with the same height, captions displayed in one line, using different captions.

\includegraphics [height = 3cm]{/Users/fplee/blog/public/xiaobo.png}
\caption{ Xiaobo }
\includegraphics [height = 3cm]{/Users/fplee/blog/public/yeyuqiudeng.jpg}
\caption{ Yeyuqiudeng }

Example 2: Two images with different heights, captions cannot be displayed in one line using the above method, using different captions.



\includegraphics [height = 1.5cm]{/Users/fplee/blog/public/yeyuqiudeng.jpg}
\includegraphics [height = 6cm]{/Users/fplee/blog/public/xiaobo.png}
\vskip 5mm


Example 3: Images or tables with their own subtitles, shared title, how to set up?

Using the caption and subcaption packages

\includegraphics [height = 3cm]{/Users/fplee/blog/public/xiaobo.png}
\subcaption{ Xiaobo }
\includegraphics [height = 3cm]{/Users/fplee/blog/public/yeyuqiudeng.jpg}
\subcaption{ Yeyuqiudeng }
\caption{Two Figures}

Example 4: Combining one image and one table.

\includegraphics [height = 3cm]{/Users/fplee/blog/public/xiaobo.png}
\subcaption{ Xiaobo }
\subcaption{ Yeyuqiudeng }
Jinse&Wuduan&Wushi Xian,\\
Yi Xian&Yi Zhu& Si Hua Nian,\\
Zhuang Sheng&Xiao Meng&Mi Hu Die,\\
Wang Di&Chun Shen&Tuo Du Juan,\\
\caption{One Figure and One Table}
