Tools for Automation - Table of Contents

Tools for Automation: Table of Contents #

Author: Erhua

Keywords: automation tools, table of contents

In this section, we discuss the automatic generation of table of contents. We can generate a table of contents by using the command \tableofcontents after setting the desired headings.

Customized Table of Contents #

We have previously discussed how to customize the format of table of contents: Customizing Headings

Type Command Note
List of Figures \listoffigures Titles produced by \caption command
List of Tables \listoftables Titles produced by \caption command

By default, items such as the table of contents itself, bibliography, and index are not automatically included in the table of contents. We can control their appearance using the tocbibind package, which has optional arguments (all visible by default):

Optional Argument Explanation
notbib Exclude bibliography
notindex Exclude index
nottoc Exclude chapter headings
not lot Exclude list of tables
notlof Exclude list of figures

For more details, please refer to the tocbibind package.

Other packages that can be used for table of contents customization are:


Customizing the Format of the Table of Contents #

To customize the format of the table of contents, we can use the following packages:

\usepackage{tocloft}       % Simple syntax for customizing format
\usepackage{titletoc}      % More complex package for customizing the table of contents

Explanation: The lengths of the space before and after the heading are variables that can be modified using \setlength. The rest are macros that need to be redefined using \renewcommand.

For specific modifications to font family, font size, etc., we can refer to the relevant content of the tocloft package (please consult the package documentation).


\usepackage[heading = true]{ctex}
\renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\qingsong\mulutit}   % Set the font family and size of "Table of Contents"
\renewcommand{\cftchapfont}{\qingsong\muluchap}       % Set the font family and size of "Chapter"
\renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\qingsong}                % Set the font family of "Section"
\renewcommand{\cftsubsecfont}{\qingsong}             % Set the font family of "Subsection"
\setlength{\cftbeforetoctitleskip}{5mm}              % Set the distance between "Table of Contents" and top margin
\setlength{\cftaftertoctitleskip}{10mm}              % Set the distance between "Table of Contents" and the main text
\ctexset{section={name={第,节},titleformat = {\qingsong}}}
\usepackage[paperwidth = 200mm,paperheight = 150mm]{geometry}

Customizing the Layout of the Table of Contents #

Apart from customization options, we can also customize the layout of the table of contents. See the image:

Due to limited usage, please refer to the package documentation for more details.